
   Recently, I was engaged in volunteering in church which I dreamed of even before, but it was only this year that I officially auditioned in the music team as a guitarist and got accepted. It was not the first time that I auditioned. Two years ago, I gathered my courage to audition, but unfortunately, I did not pass. It saddened me for a short while, but the grace of God kept me going thinking that it was God's will and it was not yet the perfect time. So when I decided to try again, the nervousness was still there, but I was more prepared than the first time. Honestly, it was not a very good performance and I may not be a good guitarist, but this desire to minister for God in my heart pushed me harder. And I finally did it! With the awesome and overflowing grace of God, I did it.
   While I was in the middle of celebration, I couldn't help myself from crying after all it was really a dream come true. It is my dream to serve and worship God in the music ministry and at the same time grow in my walk with Him together with my fellow students. I want to share this overflowing awe and love for God to other people.
   Before I was allowed to play the guitar with the music team, I had to undergo observation by attending the rehearsals and meetings. This observation was not only for us to observe them on how they play, but also for them to observe us during those times. They will test us on our commitment and perseverance to be on this kind of ministry. Ate Alexianne Aguilar, one of the leaders in the music ministry, discussed about the things that we should remember in joining this ministry. She called it, "FAITH" which stands for Faithful, Available, Initiative, Teachable, and Heart.

Then, finally! I got the chance to play the special number for God last March 16. It was "Make Room" by Every Nation Music. And then, last March 23 I played the acoustic for the whole praise and worship of the youth service along with Kuya Carlos who taught me a lot of things about theories in guitar and inspired me to be better and lead people to Christ. That service was really a challenge for me as a new comer. How? Unfortunately, the electricity was cut off meaning there was no sound system and only the acoustic guitars has sounds even without current. I had to play louder and I was shy but then there came a feeling to just feel the moment and be in the attitude of worship. The congregation did not stop worshipping Him. The electricity had no power against the people who are truly worshipping a true and awesome God. Everyone was just having their intimate worship while singing songs for God inviting the Holy Spirit to just fill them. And I thanked God for giving me this opportunity to worship Him and lead His people to worship him in spirit and in truth through the talents that He has given me and give all the glory.

"Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness."  -Psalm 29:2


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